Confirm funds. Years before you buy, understand the effect of car and loan payments on your buying power. Work to put yourself in a position of strength. Understand how credit works and what the lender is looking for.
Consider teaming up with friends to purchase together. A good lawyer can draft an agreement. You'll get more home for less $.
Buying your first home in your 20s is as scary as it is exciting. A lot of responsibility goes along with that purchase, so it’s a good idea to learn as much as possible as you go through the process. As ready as you think you are for such a big responsibility, take a moment to browse through the following list of mistakes you should try to avoid.
You may think your home is the only thing that has to impress when you put it on the market for sale. The reality is, you, the seller, also have to make a good impression. While someone may fall in love with your home, they may choose to pass on it if they don’t like the way you present yourself. To help you be on your best behavior when you sell y...
Today we will dive into provincial sales statistics just released by the BCREA. And we have mortgage broker Jen Lowe talking about some misperceptions the media has around interest rates, why variable and fixed rates are different and why banks want you to choose fixed over variable rates.
Today Andrew and Jane will be discussing the Victoria Real Estate market, up to the end of January 2022. What lessons can we learn from the sales and listing data over the past two years? Should you sell now or later?