5 Cleaning Habits For Better Housekeeping

Keeping a clean home is vital to the health and safety of ourselves and our loved ones. Unfortunately, many of us view housekeeping as a tedious, boring task, and we cut corners to make it go faster. This way of housekeeping, or forgoing it altogether, not only leads to a dirty, unsightly home, but it also may hinder your and your family’s health and safety.

If you’re guilty of cutting corners when you clean the house, this post is for you. It’s time to correct these bad habits, which will save you time in the long run and create a healthier environment in your home.

1. Not Dusting First
We know, dusting is a horrible chore, but even so, it needs to be done. The trick is to do it first, working your way from high to low. This way, any dust that isn’t removed by your duster will fall to the floor so you can vacuum or sweep it up.

2. Using Dirty Cleaning Equipment
If you aren’t cleaning your cleaning equipment between uses, you may be spreading more dirt and germs than you’re cleaning up. This sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s the truth.

Make sure you’re using clean dusting cloths each time and emptying the vacuum canister after each use. Don’t grab a dirty dishcloth to wash dishes or wipe countertops as you’re spreading germs with every swipe.

3. Using Too Much Cleaning Product
More is always better, right? This might be true of bacon, but with cleaning products, it’s best to read the labels and use the recommended amounts. Any leftover cleaning solution that doesn’t get rinsed away will attract dust and germs like a magnet, so don’t go overboard when using cleaning products. Besides, using just the right amount will save you time and money, and who couldn’t use that?

4. Using Harsh Cleaners
Many of a home’s cleaning tasks only require gentle cleaners and warm water. With that said, many of us tend to go overboard with harsh cleaners that are toxic, not only to us but to our pets and the planet, too. For example, bleach is a caustic cleaner that’s unnecessary in most cases. It not only kills bacteria but also damages surfaces and causes skin and respiratory irritation.

When choosing cleaning products, look for natural versions that are eco-friendly. If you must use bleach, remember, a little goes a long way.

5. Not Reading The Label
We know… it takes too long, and the print is too small, right? Well, it’s in your best interest to read the labels on your cleaning products to maximize their effectiveness. Again, more isn’t always better, so be sure to read the labels to find out what types of surfaces they work on, how much to use, and what to do if you get it in your eyes. It’ll only take 30 seconds to read the label, and it could save you lots of time and money if you use the product correctly.