Keeping a clean house is an endless chore that most people don’t look forward to. From scrubbing toilets and dusting light fixtures to vacuuming and mopping the floors, the amount of work can be overwhelming.To help make keeping your house clean easier and less stressful, we’ve come up with several cleaning ideas for you to tackle. These ideas are designed to help you work smarter, not harder, so without further ado, here they are.
1. Clean Your Equipment
Believe it or not, your cleaning equipment could use a thorough cleaning, too. Begin by swishing your broom’s bristles in a tub filled with hot, soapy water. Throw in any scrub brushes and let them soak.If you use microfiber cloths, toss them in a washing machine on the gentle cycle, then transfer them to a low-heat dryer. Lastly, soak sponges in a solution of 1-tsp. bleach to a gallon of water for five minutes before rinsing and allowing to air dry. Having clean equipment to work with makes your job so much easier and you’ll know your house is truly clean when you’re done.2. Dust The Light Fixtures
If your living room is looking gloomier than usual, it might be because the light fixtures need dusting. Turn the light off and wait for the fixture to cool. Take it down from the ceiling, if possible, and use a microfiber cloth to remove dust and debris. If the dust is especially stubborn, use a damp rag to remove it. Wipe all surfaces of the fixture and let it air dry before reinstalling.3. Clean Bookshelves
Bookshelves and their associated books and knick-knacks are dust magnets. Many people forgo cleaning their bookshelves often because it’s such a tedious chore. If your bookshelves could use some TLC, turn on some tunes or your favorite podcast and get to work.Remove everything from the shelves and place it aside. Use a feather duster or a dry microfiber cloth to remove surface dust. You can go a step further to protect the wood by using a quality dusting spray next. Buff the shelves to a shine, and then wipe down all the books and knick-knacks as you return them to their home on the shelves.4. Refresh Framed Pictures
Give your home a completely clean look by cleaning the framed pictures on the wall. Start by taking each picture down from the wall and placing it on the table. Spray window cleaner on a clean microfiber cloth and wipe the glass and frame of each picture. Let the pictures dry, then hang them back on the wall.5. Wipe The Walls And Trim
Unless your child expresses himself on the wall, wiping down the walls probably isn’t something you think of doing often. Taking the time to get rid of cobwebs and dust on the walls, though, can make your space look and feel brighter.Grab a broom or feather duster and clear the walls of any visible dust. Pay special attention to the corners where cobwebs like to form. Lastly, use a feather duster or microfiber cloth to wipe down the trim, and you’re done!